Hilton Village Hall is a registered charity with a board of trustees. The day-to-day management of the hall is delegated to the Management Committee, which was traditionally formed of representatives of the various village groups that used the hall. The original management committee in 1963 was formed from representatives of the Committee of the Women’s Institute, the Trustees of the Methodist Chapel, the Parochial Church Council, the Parish Council, and the Committee of the Cricket Club. The current management committee is formed of the following members:

  • Nicola Webster – Chair and Trustee
  • Sarah Conn – Treasurer and Trustee
  • Chrissie Ball – Secretary
  • Helen Attwood – Trustee
  • Claire Sarkies – Hilton Parish Council Representative
  • Janet Taylor – WI Representative
  • Chrissy Hutsell – Co-opted member
  • Bridget Harvard – Co-opted member
  • Katherine Grant – Bookings Officer

Hilton Village Hall was built in 1855 and was originally a National School which opened at Michaelmas in 1856. It was originally run by the Vicar and the Churchwardens and was then run by Foundation Managers as a result of the Education Act 1902. After the Second World War, Hilton School was oversubscribed and so the authorities decided that children eleven and over would go to school in St Ives and younger children would go to Fenstanton. The St Ives school opened in 1955 and the Fenstanton merger occurred in 1956, as the Huntingdonshire Education Committee refused the request of Hilton to retain its school.

The Department of the Environment classed the School building as a Grade 2 building as it was of special architectural or historical interest.

A public fund was launched, and the building was bought from the Church to be used as a Village Hall. The Hilton Village Hall Charity was set up in 1963 to govern and manage the Village Hall.

In 1992, the extension to the Village Hall was opened by the then Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. John Major. This extension was named the Britten Room as it had been funded by a generous interest free loan from George Britten.

Hilton Village Hall is now a thriving community space which is used for both regular clubs and groups and also birthday parties, weddings and other celebrations.